David Lortscher, MD: Steering Vision and Expansion

We're thrilled to welcome Dr. David Lortscher to our team at Syringe Accessory! David isn’t just a highly respected dermatologist and the co-founder of Curology; he’s a visionary who sees skincare not just as a practice but as a way to profoundly impact lives. His down-to-earth personality and innovative thinking make him the perfect fit for our team.

Here’s what makes David’s arrival so exciting:

  • A Track Record of Making a Difference: In New Mexico, David was inspired by the life-changing power of healthy skin. He’s bringing that same passion to our team.
  • Innovation Meets Accessibility: With Curology, David made advanced skincare available to everyone, regardless of where they live or their economic status. He plans to bring this inclusive approach to Syringe Accessory.
  • Strategic Visionary: David’s knack for seeing the bigger picture will guide our journey into new areas of medical aesthetics, ensuring we stay true to our values of safety, effectiveness, and accessibility.

David’s role goes beyond advising; he’s here to inspire and drive us forward. As we embark on this exciting chapter, let’s give David a warm welcome!